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Home » Fusion SaaS AppUI: Enable Groovy-only solution for SOAP based ErpObjectAttachmentService

Fusion SaaS AppUI: Enable Groovy-only solution for SOAP based ErpObjectAttachmentService


This post further extends the solution of exposing Visual Builder AppUI ready REST APIs on Fusion backend for business entities that do not have such REST APIs out-of-the-box.
The previous post used Application Composer, Custom Object, Groovy and OIC.
The solution below uses Groovy-only implementation leveraging internal URL and SOAP based ErpObjectAttachmentService.
Such a solution can be deployed to PROD and will work without any changes in lower environments after P2T process.
Similar approach is also described in

Implementation Details

  1. Use sandbox with Application Composer to define Web Service connection for SOAP service ErpObjectAttachmentService by pointing it to the following URL:
  2. Extend the Rest Util custom object by adding 2 methods – downloadAttachmentFile and uploadAttachmentFile
  3. Download function – marked Callable by External Systems:
    def attachmentRequest =
      EntityName : EntityName,
      CategoryName: CategoryName,
      UserKeyA: UserKeyA,
      UserKeyB: UserKeyB,
      UserKeyC: UserKeyC,
      UserKeyD: UserKeyD,
      UserKeyE: UserKeyE 
    def appParams = '';
    def result = [:]
    try {
      def res = adf.webServices.LocalAttachmentService.downloadAttachment(attachmentRequest, appParams);
      if (res?.FileName) result.fileName = res.FileName
      if (res?.AttachmentContent) result.attachmentContent = res.AttachmentContent
    catch (e) {
    return result
  4. Upload function – marked Callable by External Systems:
    def result = [:]
    def attachmentRows =
      UserKeyA: UserKeyA,
      UserKeyB: UserKeyB,
      UserKeyC: UserKeyC,
      UserKeyD: UserKeyD,
      UserKeyE: UserKeyE,
      AttachmentType: "File",
      Title: Title,
      Content: Content,
    def res = adf.webServices.LocalAttachmentService.uploadAttachment(entityName, categoryName, "Yes", attachmentRows)
    result = res
  5. Use the methods above inside JavaScript action chains.
