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Home » Update Sales Order fulfillment line extensible flexfield in a Visual Builder Application

Update Sales Order fulfillment line extensible flexfield in a Visual Builder Application

Business Requirement and Challenges

Oracle Visual Builder is a powerful tool allowing extending Oracle SaaS application with User Interface adjusted to concrete user’s requirements.

The out-of-the-box option of updating an extensible flexfield for a fulfillment line (Additional Line Information) is to select the action to open Additional Line Information popup and update it there.

We are developing a table presenting line with Additional Information in a grid with line and Additional Information in a single line and need to allow updating the Additional Information by using standard REST API.

Oracle SaaS provides API to perform line update with Additional Information:

As it shown in the document, in order to update the line we have to provide order key (which can be order headerId) and like key – that should be calculated for our current HTTP session.

Although in Postman line key can receive fulfillment line id, in Visual Builder – it does not work and we have to calculate current hash value generated for our lines to allow their update.


High level overview of the solution:

  1. By using REST query in Postman identify the internal name of Additional Information content you want to update:
    1. Add to Visual Builder PATCH service endpoint to perform update of existing Additional Information record:
    1. Add to Visual Builder POST service endpoint to create new Additional Information record for existing fulfillment line:
    1. Implement the logic inside Save action chain:
      • Call REST to fetch current order line
      • Use javascript to parse the result of the REST call above to extract the line key value and populate a variable with it.
        let h = getOrderLineDetailsResponse.body.items[0].additionalInformation[0].links.filter( l => { return == “Your Additional Information Name”; } )[0].href;
        $page.variables.currLineKey = h.substring(h.indexOf(‘/lines’)+7, h.indexOf(‘/child/additionalInformation’));
      • Identify if we in PATCH/POST mode
      • Call relevant update/create API